Haplarithm inference of Variant Alleles


A conceptual process revealing allelic architecture of genomes via simultaneous:

 Copy number typing
 Parent-of-origin typing
 Revealing segregational origin of aberrations (meiotic vs. mitotic)
 Identifying level and nature of mosaicism and/or chimaerism

Tracing mechanistic/segregational origin of genomic aberrations

By the used of haplarithmisis haplotype anomalies can be traced back to meiotic and/or mitotic cell divisions.

Identifying different allelic admixtures

Haplarithmisis enables accurate detection of level and nature of mosaic and/or chimaeric aberration

Analysis options of haplarithmisis:

Option 1. When grandparental genotypes are available to be used as a seed for phasing parental genotypes:
     A. Paternal and maternal grandparents
     B. Paternal grandparents
     C. Maternal grandparents

Option 2. When a sibling is used as a seed for phasing parental genotypes.

Option 3. Trio analysis: When the sample itself or a sample from the same individual is used for phasing parental genotypes.

Our Platform


Haplarithmsis can be applied on DNA samples derived from many cells down to a single cell. Currently, HiVA is available for Human and Bovine research.


HiVA is interactive from feeding the raw data and defining the input parameters to visualization.


The analysis progress, raw data and the results are only accessible to the submitting user. In addition the samples are anonymized during the analysis.

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